set off

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set off

  1. muunnella, räjähtää, pamahtaa, räjäyttää, laukaista, välähtää, räjäyttää dynamiitilla, korostaa, tuoda esiin, painottaa, tuoda esille.

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painottaa puhekieltä To leave; to begin a journey or trip.

He set off in search of better opportunities.

puhekieltä To begin; to cause; to initiate.

I had no idea that one simple comment would set off such a huge argument.

puhekieltä To cause to explode, let off.

What a tragedy, that someone would set off a bomb in a crowded place.

puhekieltä To make angry.

Dont set him off or he won't shut up all day.''

puhekieltä To offset, to compensate for: to reduce the effect of, by having a contrary effect.

My taxes did not increase because the amount of my raise was set off by my losses in the stock market.

1881, w:Henry James|Henry James, Jr., w:The Portrait of a Lady|The Portrait of a Lady, Chapter XXXIX, in w:The Atlantic|The Atlantic Monthly, Volume XLVIII, Number CCLXXXVI (August, 1881), Houghton, Mifflin, and Company, page 215:
When a woman had made such a mistake, there was only one way to repair it,—to accept it. One folly was enough, especially it was to last for ever; a second one would not much set it off.
puhekieltä To deface or soil the next sheet; said of the ink on a freshly printed sheet, when another sheet comes in contact with it before it has had time to dry.


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